Nathalie Paquette Notary welcomes you

Call Us at:

(450) 670-7572


9:00 - 16:00 (Mon - Thu)

9:00 - 12:00 (Friday)

1994 Ste-Hélène,

Longueuil, Quebec


Celebration of civil marriage

Notaries are competent officers to celebrate civil marriages no matter your religious faith. It can be a small personalized ceremony that couples really appreciate.


Homologation of protective / incapacity mandate

When a person has made a protection mandate and becomes legally incapable, the protection mandate must be homologated so that the mandatary can act for the mandator. This is a procedure that requires the obtaining of medical and psychosocial assessments of the mandator confirming his inability to take care of his property and / or his person. In addition, the person concerned and interested persons must be notified to give them the opportunity to oppose the procedure, if applicable. If there is no dispute, the notary will complete the procedure by preparing a record of operations and conclusions and it is the judgment of the Court that will confirm the incapacity of the mandator and the powers of the mandatary.

Invitation letter for non-resident

When a person who resides in Quebec wants to invite a non-resident for a certain period of time in Quebec, it may require a letter of invitation. The notary can prepare this document in the form of a solemn declaration which meets the requirements of the authorities concerned.


Authorization to travel with a minor

In order to protect a minor who is traveling with only one of his parents or with another person, outside Canada, a solemn declaration will be required from the parent (s) authorizing the minor child to travel without them or one of them. This avoids cases of child abduction.

Declaration under oath

A solemn declaration is a document that a person signs in front of a public officer. The notary is a public officer who has the competence to receive the solemn declaration. It is an important document because the person who intends to mislead, swear or testify to something that he knows is inaccurate is liable to perjury under the Criminal Code.


Simple legal advice

By his education and Law Degree, the notary is also a legal advisor. As a result, the notary can give advice
in various areas of law.

If you wish to have more information on various interesting topics concerning notarial issues, I suggest you to consult various articles of the Chamber of Notaries of Québec in, namely:

- Who can be exempted from the Welcome Tax?
- In the absence of a will, who are the heirs?
- The importance of choosing your liquidator.
- Good practices when buying a property.
- How to prevent abuses of an agent and protect an unfit person.
- In search of the testament with the best quality / price ratio?